Double Your Donation with $75,000 in Matching Funds from Price Philanthropies During November

Our valued community partner, Price Philanthropies, is matching donations, dollar-for-dollar, to the San Diego Food Bank up to $75,000 during the month of November.



Double your donation, and help the Food Bank provide fresh produce for holiday meals for tens of thousands of families and seniors this holiday season and throughout the year. For every $1 donated, the Food Bank is able to provide 2 meals. Thanks to our matching partner in November, every $1 donated will help provide 4 nutritious meals to families, children and seniors in need this holiday season!



Your donation will ensure that the Food Bank can continue to serve hundreds of thousands of families facing food insecurity in San Diego County. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Price Philanthropies and all who have donated to the Food Bank’s hunger-relief programs